Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day! Please check out the amazing work of Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad if you get the chance today. You can also take an online course to be a Responder in your area to help #StopHumanTrafficking!!

In 2013, the beginning of Operation Underground Railroad was sparked by the story of Gardy Mardy, who was kidnapped from his family. Gardy’s story reached Tim Ballard, who was working as a federal agent for the U.S. government. As someone who led dozens of child exploitation cases, he was devastated when he discovered he could not make this a U.S. case. He made a promise to Gardy’s father and left his government job to begin the search for the little boy.

Although he is still missing today, we will never give up until we FIND GARDY.

To date, we have rescued over 3,800 survivors and assisted in the arrests of over 2,100 traffickers and predators.

Gardy’s story has led to the freedom of thousands.

In his name, we will continue to show the world that no child should ever be for sale.

The Lies Of Political “Christianity” Today

Since being saved and developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ I’ve had a handful of people assume that I am now a Trump supporter for some reason. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I pray for him like the Word of God commands us to (1 Timothy 2:1-4), and I hope God saves him too, but I do not believe he is a born again Christian with the Holy Spirit living within him based on all the foul things he says and does and the especially the fact that he has the heretic Paula White as his spiritual advisor.

To add to that, being a political conservative is not evidence that makes you a genuine Christian, and if you are a liberal in America or support leftist agendas you are most definitely not a born again Christian since the liberal agenda is clearly antagonistic to the Kingdom of God.

“The answers aren’t found in the white house they are found in God’s house.”

Apostasy Report – The Lies Of Political “Christianity” Today: