You cannot know God unless you first know Jesus. Those who reject God won’t see Him—those who reject Christ reject God. It’s a simple concept, the simple Truth. We as humans have the tendency to over complicate things, unnecessarily so.

Join us on our walk with Jesus Christ
You cannot know God unless you first know Jesus. Those who reject God won’t see Him—those who reject Christ reject God. It’s a simple concept, the simple Truth. We as humans have the tendency to over complicate things, unnecessarily so.
A true relationship with Jesus far outweighs the struggles that come with following Him. As a bonafide introvert that typically finds personal relationships sticky to say the least, I am so grateful for all of the wonderful fellow believers God has brought into our life in the past year. I am also grateful for all that God continues to bless us with in our day to day lives.
When you walk in the light and the will of God, He opens doors you never thought could be opened.
“…Lord, to whom who can we go? You have the words of eternal life!”
(John 6:68)
Article: Seven Reasons You Should Not Become A Christian (And One Reason You Should)